
Evaluate the psychometric properties of all measurements

Although many of the sport- and exercise-specific tests on this website have undergone substantial development, users must evaluate the validity and reliability of the available questionnaires for themselves, as well as ensure they have the necessary skills and qualifications required to administer these measures.

Please explicitly acknowledge us in publications

Anyone who uses this web-based resource to gain access to the sport- and/or exercise-specific tests they require are encouraged to acknowledge measurementinsportandexercise.wordpress.com in any peer-reviewed publications that may follow.

Measures are provided for research purposes only

The inventories, questionnaires, scales, and tests available on this website are provided for personal and/or academic (non-commercial) research purposes only. Additional permissions may be required to use any of these instruments as part of a commercial venture.

Help keep us up-to-date

Authors whose work is cited in this directory are encouraged to keep us apprised of revisions to their work. Similarly, authors of tests we have inadvertently excluded from this directory are encouraged to forward to us any details of their sport- or exercise-specific tests.